Lost Territories – Word Book


The Lost Territories Wordbook (LTA 1), for which Sputnik commissioned nearly one hundred short texts from twenty-one authors (essayists and journalists, novelists and poets, political scientists and historians, artists and curators—and sometimes the journalists are poets and vice versa) charged with the express mission of drafting, oddly enough, a Soviet and post-Soviet lexicon with missing words in order to compile a dictionary with missing definitions.

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The Lost Territories Wordbook (LTA 1), for which Sputnik commissioned nearly one hundred short texts from twenty-one authors (essayists and journalists, novelists and poets, political scientists and historians, artists and curators—and sometimes the journalists are poets and vice versa) charged with the express mission of drafting, oddly enough, a Soviet and post-Soviet lexicon with missing words in order to compile a dictionary with missing definitions.

PHOTOGRAPHERS: Jan Brykczynski, Andrei Balco, Andrei Liankevich, Rafal Milach, Adam Panczuk, Michal Luczak, Agnieszka Rayss.

TEXTS BY: Edwin Bendyk, Andrzej Brzeziecki, Sebastian Cichocki, Jörg Colberg, Aleksandra Jarosiewicz, V.L. Kadoch Brandt, Daniel Kalder, Wojciech Kucharczyk, Jewhen Mahda, Małgorzata Nocuń, Wojciech Nowicki, Stanisław Patrijew, Maciej Pisuk, Andrzej Poczobut, Taras Prochaśko, Filip Springer, Krzysztof Środa, Ziemowit Szczerek, Andrzej Tobis, Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir, Serhij Żadan.

Waga 0,35 kg
Wymiary 22 × 11 × 2 cm

Sputnik Photos

Rok wydania




Projekt graficzny

Ania Nałęcka-Milach






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