Joanna Pawłowska – Fixation


What is a picture when we reduce it to a minimal form, what associations does it evoke? What messages does it convey? How is the viewer reflected in the picture and how does the picture resonate in the next viewer? Can a personal experience told in concise pictures be universal, understandable, intimate? Ultimately, in FIXATION, the viewer makes sense of what he sees.

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FIXATION is about observing focused on marginal places, spaces of the second category. These are seemingly dead places, out-of-sets, margins of reality that emanate meaning and life when we look at them. What is a picture when we reduce it to a minimal form, what associations does it evoke? What messages does it convey? How is the viewer reflected in the picture and how does the picture resonate in the next viewer? Can a personal experience told in concise pictures be universal, understandable, intimate? Ultimately, in FIXATION, the viewer makes sense of what he sees.

„I am looking for pictures evoking associations, ambiguous, engaging the imagination. I photograph situations and places that reflect the rupture in the world, the error, the moments when the limits of possibility are reached. I am watching the world that is watching me”

Joanna Pawłowska

A graduate of the Multimedia Faculty of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. She exhibited her works in Poznań, Kraków, Łódź, Opole, Warsaw, Berlin, Bratislava, Ahaus. The lecturer at the Academy of Photography in Krakow. Professionally also associated with the National Museum in Krakow.

Her projects focus on topics related to the associative side of a picture, projection, personal experience and the search for form. In 2019, her first photo book, entitled FIXATION, was published, the premiere of which took place at the Mountains of Literature Festival in Nowa Ruda in year 2020. The book contains the photos from years 2013-2018. It is a kind of analysis focused on time and space in which reality and own experience leave their mark and what is marginal gains significance.

Weight 0,35 kg
Dimensions 22 × 17 × 1 cm

Fundacja Kolegium Sztuk Wizualnych





Graphic design

Kasia Kubicka






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